
Sunday, December 30, 2018

wk 2 day 1 activity 2 the great lake taupo cycle challenge


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Talofa Milika,

    Thank you for putting me in there with the rest of our friends. You are doing so well with your blog post. Keep going, oh and I miss you sistah!


  3. Hi Milika,

    It's Leslie here, reading your blog as a member of the Summer Learning Journey team from my home in wintry Canada. Our community is covered with 40 cm of snow just now and the temperature outside is -35 C so it's very fun to think of someone doing a cycling challenge in summer weather!!

    You've chosen some good friends to be your support team for the cycle challenge. Having people around you who are caring, friendly and funny sounds wonderful! That's what I would want to, especially if I was working hard at a physical activity like biking!!

    Do you like to bike? What is your favourite way of getting around your neighbourhood and back and forth to school?

    I walk everywhere, as much as I can, and I also use my bike if an errand takes me a distance from my house. I live in a small town of just 4500 people so I can walk anywhere I need to go within town. If I need something our town doesn't offer, I drive into the city that's nearby - Ottawa. It's about a half hour drive away, so I feel like I have the best of both worlds!

    There's a cycle club in our small town so we often see racers zooming along our streets on a summer weekend day. Do you have cyclists riding through your neighbourhood very often?

    I hope you're having a lot of fun this summer and that you're enjoying this SLJ program. Keep up your good work, Milika!!




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